


Goggles, By Golly.

~ Nature does nothing uselessly

~ Aristotle

...which may very well be true, unless of course if one considers little doggie sweaters and the sort of music sampler CDs that are sold at the counter in Starbucks. Oh yes, and of course the entire line of "baby goggles" produced by the presumably fashion-unconscious folks at ParkerG Sunglasses.

I am, of course, usually the last to know about these sorts of trends, but I still can't resist putting in my two cents, so here goes: Whaa? Goggles for babies? Why? Was there something wrong with a shady stroller, an occasional sunhat and a bit of squinting? I wouldn't think so, but apparently there are parents who do indeed feel the need to disguise their precious progeny as tiny little rock stars or mini-Howard Hughes.

Now don't get me wrong, it's certainly none of my business if presumably well-meaning parents want to fork over 35 bucks for such items, but personal experience tells me two things: One, there's not a chance in heck that either of my boys would have allowed goggles to be stuck to their faces, and B, even if they did it would be only a matter of seconds before said goggles were rendered useless by multiple layers of fingerprints, dirt and drool. In a word, yuck and no thanks.

~ ~ ~

P.S.-- Of course it turns out that before I got a chance to post this lovingly crafted entry I was shopping at my local Targét where I saw a woman in line holding a goggle-wearing infant... and they both seemed very pleased indeed. Happy mom, happy baby and happy goggles. Go figure. Well, I guess I'll just have to go find something else to be a curmudgeon about. Bah. Have a nice day.


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