


2006. Finally.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
-Groucho Marx

Good heavens, is it 2006 already? Well, I suppose that explains the Douglas fir in my living room and all the empty champagne bottles under my Dick Clark shrine. Yes, the holidays seem to have come and gone, although not a moment too soon, if you ask me.

Sure, Christmas is always a great time, but it is of course also a season absolutely saturated with friends, family, entertaining, and being entertained. And with food. Lots and lots of food. I don't think I want to talk about all the food. In any case, this year there were casual cocktail evenings with friends, the usual enormous Christmas Eve production with my Lovely Bride's family, and the all-day Christmas marathon at our house. Then, even before we made it to Dick Clark's Trademarked Eve (all rights reserved), I took the boys skiing with friends for a few days just for good measure. Phew.

Anyway, I am, as usual, a little behind in getting things done, so here is a simplified, pared down list of my thoughts and ruminations on the calamitous year that was 2005:

1: Just for starters, a reminder that as always, regardless of how adorable your kids may have been this holiday season, just remember that my two boys were the
absolute cutest. So there.

2: Bill, Melinda Gates, and Bono are Time's "Persons of the Year?" Huh?

3: In rather the same way that one can't look away from a car wreck, one of my favorite images of the year remains the positively reptilian
mug shot of Tom Delay. Ick.

4: Iraq is now controlled by theocratic Shi'a Muslims instead of secular Suni Muslims. Great. Way to go. Whoopee.

5: Hurricanes are bad. Especially if you have made the unwise choice to be "
so poor and so black." Then again, tsunamis are worse.

6: Sometimes late at night when all is quiet I find myself wondering where Michael Brown is right now. Is good old Brownie still a "
fashion god?" I wonder too if he is still having trouble getting reservations at the right restaurants. Darn Hurricanes.

7: Old Pope: Charismatic, visionary leader who's view of the church and geopolitics were forged while fighting the oppressive yoke of hard-line communism. New Pope: ex-Hitler youth. I dunno, none of my business really. Just saying.

8: Dick Clark, back in Times Square after his stroke. Sure, it was a little unsettling for the first ten seconds, but I say Kudos to Dick, the man's got stones. And to all of those out there on the web with no shortage of rude things to say about his performance: grow up, you cretins. (And as long as we're at it, the polar opposite of Dick Clark: Mariah Carey. Was it just my imagination or did her
Times Square thing come across as just kind of drunk and weird and a little bit sad? And what's up with the two bulbous space aliens that have attached themselves to her chest? She should really have that looked at.)

9: And finally, bird flu? No problem, I'll just be locking myself in the basement with the Xbox 360 and a case of scotch now. See you all in 2007!



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