


What I did on my summer vacation...

Well, it seems that the changing seasons are continuing their inexorable march with the regularity of, well, seasons I guess. All the usual harbingers of autumn are in place: the kids are settled in back at school, there's talk of apple picking, and the stores have been packed with Halloween crap for months now. All is right with the world. And although I don't know quite why, autumn has also always been a time of year that prompts me to take a look back and take stock of how the year is going so far.

This last summer was, in short, full of a lot of family fun. (How's that for a little taste of unintentional alliteration?) There was fun in the pool everyday at camp for the boys, plenty of running bases in the back yard, basketball in the driveway, and of course plenty of vital slug-time spent playing Splinter Cell and Halo2 in the cool, cave-like darkness of the playroom downstairs. (Few things are as pleasant as whiling away a day with the boys as we run around space stations slaying each other with energy swords. Ah, good times... good times.)

We also did the archetypal family car trip vacation; this year it was to Boston with another family, followed by a few days of sitting on a beach at a small lake in the Poconos. All in all, I think this was the very first year that I was really sorry to see the summer come to an end and the boys re-assimilated into the Borg Collective better known as elementary school.

In any case, the following are a few other highlights from our summer that I thought I'd share. (Thus quenching that burning fire that is the world's wish, nay, need to know just exactly how an astoundingly interesting guy like me spent my summer.) To wit:

During the trip from Boston to the Poconos we stopped off at the Stewart Air National Guard base where my buddy is a flight engineer. He drove us out to the flight line and
gave us a tour of one of their C5A Galaxies which are not only very cool, but really, really big. Up close it's rather like standing next to an office building that is capable of carrying cargo as large as four charter busses. That kind of big.

Fan of churches? (The buildings, not the institutions...) A few weeks ago we made a stop at St. Elizabeth's in upper Manhattan; it's a particularly spectacular church thats probably been off the mainstream radar for decades only because it's up at 181st Street in Washington Heights. Another beautiful church we did was
Trinity Church when we stayed at Copley Square in Boston; but as far as I'm concerned the best thing about Copley Square is the Oak Room at the Fairmont Hotel. It's the kind of place where you settle into a leather bar chair for a drink or three and it just feels right.

Anyhoo... I guess now that I'm done with this little exercise in blogging self indulgence I'll have to start thinking of something even more staggeringly fascinating about myself to post next time. Perhaps a missive concerning my belly button? Maybe a few photos of my sock drawer? Hoo boy, I can hardly wait.


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