


Finishing the Race

It occurred me recently that one of life’s little mysteries is that the world appears to be full of people who seem to be entirely immune to the myriad minor annoyances that are clearly tailor made to annoy the bejesus out of people like me. I am, in short, susceptible to every banal pet peeve there is.

To wit: I'm intensely annoyed by people who give you wrong directions to their own homes. Inexcusable. Or, shoppers who leave their carts unattended and squarely in the center of any given supermarket aisle, blithely unaware that I would like nothing better than to grab that box of Cheese Nips and be on my way. Or, even worse, bloggers who insist on public hand wringing over their recent lack of blogging... usually in an entirely unjustified tone of guilt at having deprived the world of their blindingly brilliant insights.

That said, I must admit that standing before you is a blogger who not only enjoys nothing more than the clean, surgical cut of irony, but has an admission to make about my recent lack of blogging as well. Indeed, I too have been depriving the world of my staggeringly brilliant insights recently… but I actually have a reason worthy of my complete lack of production: I was busy finishing the last papers in the last class for my degree.

Yes, it has taken me an a extra fifteen-some-odd years to graduate after I went back to school a couple of years ago; but, as it’s frequently been pointed out to me, the tortoise and hare taught us that the point is not how fast you finish the race but that you finish at all.
So, finally, even though I’ve never been one to indulge in blatant self aggrandizement, I think I may just this once dip my toes in the cool, clear waters of apotheosis: "I’m a college graduate, I’ve got me one of them there degrees in journalism and writing, and I’m feeling pretty darn snappy about it. Huzzah!"

…oh crap. It just occurred to me that now I’m just going to have to find some sort of "real" job. Oh well. Anybody?


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