


A Confederacy Indeed.

Despite the many and varied advantages there are to being an at home dad, it can at times be, well, a bit dreary. It’s ok to admit it. We all have those moments when the hobgoblin of doubt comes to visit and suddenly the act of running the dishwasher for the 845,000th time seems just a shade less than fulfilling.

This very morning was just such a morning for me, although in this case I was in the midst of scrambling my lifetime 3,651st egg for the lads’ breakfast. Sigh… But then, just as the hobgoblin of doubt was preparing to climb into my head for an extended visit, I heard these words clawing their way through the ambient drone of my kitchen radio: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." *1 There it was. Once again the suspiciously simian George W. Bush had selflessly gone out of his way to brighten my day, only this time he had truly outdone himself.

I slid the newly minted eggs from the pan onto two freshly toasted waffles and presented them to the lads with a subtle flourish and just the hint of a wry smile.

They both piped up with the fairly unusual and unexpected response, "Thanks Dad."
"Any time, boys," I replied with an affectionate rubbing of tousled heads, "anytime at all."


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