


Balance and Moderation.

A closely examined life is, of course, just chock full of the emotional paraphernalia gained from years of experience. If you’re an emotionally healthy sort, this hard won experience is responsible for turning you into a reasonably moderate and sensible decision maker. To wit: "I’m bored, so I think I’ll wipe out the kid’s college savings, get blasted on crank and hole up in a shitty Vegas motel room with a one-legged hooker and a stash of guns.... but I guess I won’t because I don’t think it would turn out well."

Or, if you’re not an emotionally healthy sort, it’s probably a little more like: "I’m bored, so I think I’ll wipe out the kid’s college savings, get blasted on crank and hole up in a shitty Vegas motel room with a one-legged hooker and a stash of guns.... why yes, I’m sure that’s an excellent idea." We all know somebody like this guy. And if not, that’s why we have Robert Downy Junior.

In any case, I’ve always considered myself a shining example of moderation and balance, and have proven so yet again this last weekend; we did both baseball and Shakespeare. How’s that for balanced?

The N.J. Jackals were playing on Saturday evening, so we tossed the boys in the back of the van along with one of their friends and made our way to the hallowed grounds of Montclair State University where resides Yogi Berra Stadium. I always have a great time watching minor league ball; all the seats are great, they’re cheap, parking is free, the quality of play is almost always excellent, and, perhaps most importantly, 24 oz. Yuengling Lagers are a mere $4.25.
It really is a great stress-free family activity, even if you don’t have any particular love of sports. In short, the weather was beautiful, the Jackals won it six to five, and the kids had really great time, in a Norman Rockwell sort of way.

The next evening my Lovely Bride and I left behind the homey Americana that is our national pastime and made our way up to Garrison to the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival for a performance of the Scottish play. There was, as promised, murder, madness and mayhem aplenty. And blood. And witchcraft and sword fights. What’s not to love? And, just as they were the previous night, the performances were fine and the weather beautiful.

So I’d say that was a healthy, balanced weekend. One night of cheery sports-related beer swilling surrounded by mildly sweaty salt of the earth types, and a second night of cheery drama-related Chardonnay swilling surrounded by mildly pretentious J. Crew types. Nope, no shitty Vegas motel rooms for me.


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