Yet Another Holiday. Sort Of.
As a younger guy, I never had any interest in going out on New Year’s Eve. I did, after all, manage to have a pretty good time the rest of the holiday season, so by the time New Year’s rolled around I simply wasn’t interest in going out yet again, only to be surrounded by amateurs. (Ooops. Did I say that out loud?)
Likewise, I really had no intention of posting anything for father’s day. Been there and done that the other fifty one weeks… and all that. But, just as with so many other well-laid plans, things change and here I am to consolidate a little bit of mainstream media goodness that befell some of the dads this week: On Friday NPR gave a shout out to Rebel Dad in this piece… Russ at Daily Yak has a local CBS affiliate that did this number on his weekly playgroup (Didn’t even realize he did one; looks like fun)… and Daddy Types got some fine attention here for his efforts.
Strong work, guys, congrats and a great Dad’s Day to all.
*** Of course now that I’ve gone and posted this I realize that Rebel Dad has already done a better, and as always, more thorough job of pulling all these goodies together. Oh well :-)
Yet Another Holiday. Sort Of.
As a younger guy, I never had any interest in going out on New Year’s Eve. I did, after all, manage to have a pretty good time the rest of the holiday season, so by the time New Year’s rolled around I simply wasn’t interest in going out yet again, only to be surrounded by amateurs. (Ooops. Did I say that out loud?)
Likewise, I really had no intention of posting anything for father’s day. Been there and done that the other fifty one weeks… and all that. But, just as with so many other well-laid plans, things change and here I am to consolidate a little bit of mainstream media goodness that befell some of the dads this week: On Friday NPR gave a shout out to Rebel Dad in this piece… Russ at Daily Yak has a local CBS affiliate that did this number on his weekly playgroup (Didn’t even realize he did one; looks like fun)… and Daddy Types got some fine attention here for his efforts.
Strong work, guys, congrats and a great Dad’s Day to all.
*** Of course now that I’ve gone and posted this I realize that Rebel Dad has already done a better, and as always, more thorough job of pulling all these goodies together. Oh well :-)