


We're Off To See The Wizard. Well, Mickey, Anyway.

Like so many things in life, guilty pleasures are a relative thing. For some, a guilty pleasure is saving up their lunch money for a trip to the tables in Atlantic City, while for others it’s no more than a tub of Hagen Daz hidden in the farthest reaches of the freezer.

Now as I generally project an air of saintly perfection, it may come as a surprise to many that I too, have a few guilty pleasures of my own. And while it’s probably best if I keep most of the details to myself, I must admit to having a soft spot for Disney World.

Yes, it’s a silly place, just as artificially saccharin as it is well groomed. It’s also perhaps the finest mechanism designed by the mind of man for separating parents from their dollars as well as their sanity. And yes, there’s a creepy, pod-like sort of cheery conformity to the entire affair… and yet it remains, to put it in the vernacular, really cool.

It’s cool that you can stand on line for things while being bathed in a light mist of water. It’s cool that you don’t have to walk more than twenty feet to find a smiling "cast member" who will offer you a refreshing drink. It’s cool that you can drive the parks hither and yon, and despite all the freshly groomed grass everywhere, you will never, ever, see a lawn mower. How do they do that? I dunno, but it sure is cool.

So my Lovely Bride and I, with our little brood in tow, are on our way for some Mickeylicious fun in sunny Orlando today, and before you know it the older lad and I will be in the Tower of Terror, screaming like little girls and trying not to poop our pants. What could be cooler?

PS- Oh yeah. Hey Paul, I can pretty much guarantee that regardless of how much fun we have all week, on the plane home I will indeed be one of a number of dads with the thousand-yard-stare, each of us wondering how we survived. But hey, it’s cool.


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