


It All Hurts So Good

Not only was I the sort of rough and tumble boy growing up that had perpetually skinned knees, but I was incapable of not picking at the scabs. And that may be, I suppose, a surefire psychological indicator that I’m drawn to mildly masochistic activities… sort of like watching the 9/11 hearings.

Even though I should know better, I’ve been stopping by CNN on occasion to check out who has what to say, and yesterday it happened to be Ashcroft. And according to Ashcroft, as unlikely as it may seem, everything is still Clinton’s fault.

--A shame and all but not our fault. Only had the 233 days in office. No time to effect any changes. Systemic problems. "Ossama Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside the U.S"? Yes, but no dates and times handed to us… bad, bad Clinton.--

Bad Clinton indeed. You’d almost think he’d spent his entire second term dealing with endless investigations and hearings rather than concentrating on really important presidential duties… like getting more nookie on the side. (Rimshot, please) Yes, that was just a bit of liberal whining, but hey, just like the bumper sticker says: "When Clinton lied, nobody died."

That said, I can barely bring myself to go on about Bush’s "news conference" last night during which he politely pretended to listen to "reporter’s" questions before launching into entirely unrelated responses.

Q: (Elisabeth) Do you feel a sense of personal responsibility for September 11th?

A: Ya know… Lemme tell ya, the Iraqi people... they love freedom… (and on and on and on)

Anyhow, although I usually need a dose of Spongebob at the end of the day to decompress and maintain my sanity, he may not be enough today. In fact, I actually sort of wish I had a scab or two.


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