


TV Ads And Cat Poop

Life is just chock full of little mysteries, both pleasant and otherwise. The crocus, harbingers of spring who push their brave little blooms upwards on inhospitable March days in the hope of finding a few golden rays of sunlight, are just such a pleasant mystery. Then again, the reason our neighbor’s cat exclusively prefers our yard for pooping is just as mysterious, only a heck of a lot less poetic than crocus and sunlight. Yuck.

Of course there are also the would-be mysteries that aren’t really mysterious at all: the so called "prizes" that hitchhike along in boxes Crackerjacks are never anything but a crummy little tattoo thingy. But again, maybe I’m just a star-crossed buyer of snack foods.

Anyway, as if life wasn't wierd enough already, I awoke to a real stumper today; namely, who was it at the Karl Rove insinuation=fact factory that thought it would be a great idea to use images of firefighters retrieving the remains of a 9/11 victim for Bush’s very first volley of TV ads? Well, perhaps it’s just inept rather than mysterious, but still.

In any case, I suppose it’s going to be a long eight months until the election, so I had better toughen up and stop being surprised by this sort of nonsense each morning. And gee whiz, I think I really do prefer the cat poop.


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