

Wrapping Up The Week

Although there are plenty of things that I find mystifying about my boys, one of my favorites is their reactions of complete shock and surprise when confronted by the most prosaic of everyday events. When reminded to start their homework each afternoon, you would suppose from all the tears and squealing I had just told them they were being sold for medical experiments. (Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good…) Likewise, the arrival of bedtime warrants looks of shock and awe worthy of Don Knotts at the height of his powers.

Anyway, the point of all this is that it’s now Friday, and, rather like my boys, I have my own look of shock at the fact that I seem to have frittered away yet another week without giving the following items the treatment they so richly deserve. So, quick and dirty, but mostly quick:

ABC news has some advice to help keep us from getting the flu this winter that seems to involve a lot of soap and hand washing. I, however, have a better plan. A plan which pretty much involves me locking myself in the basement with a flashlight and a case of scotch until around April. You can’t be too careful.

Next, monumentally self-absorbed boor that I am, I found that I had a bit of trouble empathizing with John Travolta, who is so busy making movies that he doesn’t have the time to fly his planes as much as he’d like. Now that’s just a damned shame.

And, ever on the cutting edge of family fashion trends, the Indystar reports this shocking bit of fast-breaking news: kids don’t like laces. They like shoes with zippers. What craziness will be next? Peanut butter and jelly, on the same sandwich? Thanks for the heads up, Indystar!


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