


The Holidays Arrive. Quietly.

Ah, and so begin the holidays. A little turkey here, a little cranberry there, and before you know it, Santa’s wriggling down your chimney with a bag full of retail goodness.

Our holidays began here at home with a Thanksgiving dinner that went surprisingly smoothly. I had secretly hoped for some blog-worthy wacky misadventures, but unfortunately we just had a nice time. I cooked, guests showed up on time, we ate, and the whole day went by without a single kooky mix-up. Can you believe?

Not a single goofy neighbor showed up at the door to cause domestic mayhem, not a single beloved family pet did anything embarrassing to the turkey, and nary a long lost relative appeared to mortify us with embarrassing, long forgotten family secrets. Well, one of the boys did drop an olive on the new carpet, but the whole affair was resolved in a matter of seconds. Hardly very Barbara Walters.

I suppose I could hold out for Christmas in the hope that some wacky domestic shenanigans will cause me to slap my forehead and say "Oh those darn kids!"... but for the moment I’ll just have to hold on to this vision for sheer, mind numbingly embarrassing, stunt-driven foolishness.

So anyway, I wish a happy beginning of the season to all of you and yours, whether you you enjoy decorated trees or dreidels or Kwanzaa Kikombe Cha Umojas or whatever. Chill.


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