


Queer Uniters And Straight Dividers

There are plenty of things in life that seem to be endlessly entertaining. Many of these are, of course, as inexplicable as they are masochistic. My love for a bowl of chili that’s just a little hotter than I can actually stand it, for instance. Or, my addiction to political news coverage. Whichever.

On occasion, though, I find that I have no choice but to take a break or risk actually hurting myself. After all, in rather the same way you can’t argue with your ass when you’ve overdone the Endorphin Rush, you can’t argue with that cranky guy in your head who says you’ve had enough of hating Bush and watching people in England hate him as well. (Although I did rather enjoy the British Bush statue as it toppled while clutching a suspiciously phallic missile.) In short though, enough of both for a while.

So, there must be something out there that we can all agree on, something goofy enough to unite both sides of the Atlantic in a group hug warm enough to embarrass even the most steadfast peacenik. And sure enough, I found that common ground: Britons seem to enjoy queers who have an eye for straight guys.

Yes, the Fab Five are brightening up the Briton's dreary little island and taking them by storm just as they did us last Summer. Why? Well, summing up the phenomenon rather nicely I thought, this story’s author Robert Shrimsley notes that, "This remains a makeover show, and every fibre of my being told me to hate it. But it is absolutely irresistible." And irresistible it is, as well as universally appealing, apparently. Appealing enough that British TV has bought the rights to the format and will be unleashing their own Fab Five on unsuspecting slobby straight British men next year.

You see, I just knew I could find an American export of which we can all be truly proud. And, since the assertion from that guy in the White House that he is "a uniter, not a divider" has been proven so ridiculously wrong, now at least we have five real uniters to follow. Kyan, Ted, Carson, Jai, and Thom… u go boys! Unite away, ‘cause I’m following.


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