


Wrapping Up The Week

Well, it’s the end of the week and once again I’ve gotten that odd sensation rather like when you’re out at the store and you realize you have no idea where your car keys have gone. At the moment, though, it yet again seems to be time, rather than car keys, that have slipped my grasp… and I’m pretty sure all that lost time isn’t going to show up in my jacket pocket as my keys always do.

In any case, there are always far more odd things going on in the world than there is time to do them all justice, so here we go with a quick and dirty round up of this weeks best stuff. Have fun.

First, it seems that everyone’s favorite lothario turned-would-be-assassin wants not just visits home, but unattended visits home. Jeez, I had no idea they were letting Hinckley out at all in the first place. Don’t they lock you in a tiny box forever for shooting at a president? I bet James Brady has an opinion about that.

Anyway, for sheer irony there’s nothing better than the Japanese discovering a whole new species of whale. Do you suppose the Japanese are thinking "New species of whale? They aren’t even protected yet! Yippee!" as they make a dash for the boats? No, I suppose not.

But for sheer yuck factor, it seems that British surgeons are debating whether or not face transplants are a good idea. I personally don’t really see what the debate could be about; everyone should just say "eeeeeww", followed by a resounding "NO". (And add an extra "ick" for good measure.)

Anyhow, rather like a little kid who can’t keep from biting his nails, I can’t stay away from the mid-east, so I was tickled by Bush’s admonition this week of "Arab nations" who "should end incitement in their own media…". True, there are few things as troubling as a free press, so I guess it’s a good thing that this administration has long since cowed our own press into submission.

And finally, I hate ending all the fun on a sad note, but it seems that Monica’s love life has been hurt by her past. Now I know it’s tempting to say: "Love life in bad shape? Really. Hmm. What a huge surprise", but gosh darn it, I think it’s a real shame when a spunky youngster is down and out on her knees and nobody will give her a second chance.

Or something like that. And all this time I thought I’d never get the chance to use the word "spunky". Anyway, have yourself a fine weekend!


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