


Always, Always Question Authority.

Something interesting was brought to my attention today... the sort of thing that gives me a little twitch in one eye and the urge to write a letter. So, today's blog is a letter I sent to my representative and both senators:

Re: The 'Office of Special Plans' and Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski

August 11, 2003

Rep. Eliot L. Engel

Dear Rep. Engel,

As a constituent of yours, I feel I must voice my concern about the Office of Special Plans created by Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. It is becoming more apparent by the day that this rogue group has been operating as a leading architect of the strategic and political machinations that justified a war with Iraq.

As elucidated by a former senior Pentagon Middle East specialist, Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, this group has been allowed to operate without oversight of any kind, and has railroaded not only its institutional rivals, the CIA and FBI, but also the American people.

Worse, this group's arrogance is matched only by its incompetence. There was no specific exit plan, no plan in place in case the Iraqi people didn't rejoice at the notion of our occupation, and the CIA's concerns about an ensuing guerrilla war were ignored entirely.

When hearings are opened into this administration's deceit in the fall, I strongly urge you to make full use of Karen Kwiatkowski and her comprehensive knowledge of the abuses of power that have left us in this sorry state.


Evan Selinske

Aug 7

Oh That George!

I had just gotten around to nosing through Bush's June 30 press conference this morning, and then it occurred to me that the fine folks at the Daily Show had probably done most of the work for me. It can't be very much fun for them, slogging through Bush's garbled words, all the while trying to figure out if he really means what he says or is even trying to say what he means, but the rewards can be great.

So, rather than taking the time to go on a rant that would only mirror this fine piece of satirical journalism, I offer up it's link instead:



Just paste to your browser and enjoy.


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