

Baseball and Serenity

Day: 3 ---- Pounds Lost: 8

Hey! Day three and eight pounds! Not to shabby. Ok, I know it’s mostly just water and not to expect another three days like this again… but what a great shot in the arm!
Drinking just water, not all that junk, eating salad and fruit instead of all that junk, having some plain yoghurt mixed with granola cereal instead of a fistful of cookies…

Anyhow, I was going on about what a good time the N.J. Jackals game was; (Jackals) and it seems my wife has made a game the birthday party activity for our oldest (Gonna be eight) son’s party. Mixed feelings. Baseball good. Sometimes taking a couple of their friends good. Going with a dozen friends and half dozen other parents… remains to be seen.
Baseball, it seems to me, should be a supremely relaxing experience. If I wanted excitement I would go to a hockey game. Or arena football. Or a demolition derby. Or a cockfight. Certainly, the serenity of a ballgame is particularly fragile. One moment our guy on the mound is behind 3, 1 and 1, next thing you know there’s a giant ice cream emergency. Doesn’t matter whether the emergency involves getting ice cream or cleaning up the dropped ice cream we’ve already gotten, but next thing you know the inning’s over and you have no idea why.
Anyway, assuming I don’t get invited to any demolition derbys, I’ll let you all know how it works out.


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